Category: news
Organize an accessible and inclusive event
Organizing an accessible and inclusive event is not just meeting legal requirements; it’s about proactively creating a space where participants feel valued. We are excited to introduce our new infographic on organizing accessible and inclusive engagement events, designed to highlight Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) issues.
Creative Engagement for Underground Thermal Energy Storage
“We chose creative and playful approaches because they offer accessible and enjoyable ways to explore complex and unfamiliar issues.” Dr. Merryn Thomas talks about new and innovative methods to engage with stakeholders. Public engagement is essential to ensure that technologies like Underground Energy Storage (UTES) are accepted, fair and legitimate. But for many of us, UTES is invisible and unfamiliar.
Geothermal Well at Cornwall Site due to complete in early 2025
About Technologies ATES BTES MTES Topics Social engagement Optimal system integration Enabling technologies Pilots Bochum Delft Darmstadt Berlin United Downs Litoměřice Consortium News Repository Contact Geothermal Well at Cornwall site due to complete in early 2025 The UK’s first geothermal power plant in due to complete in early 2025 in Cornwall, UK. The United Downs […]
PUSH-IT and European experts call for early, community-centric engagement in geothermal projects.
Policymakers and the geothermal sector should do more to include local communities in energy decision-making. This is what an interdisciplinary group of researchers recommend in a newly published chapter. They argue that inclusive, early and continuous societal engagement should be prioritised to maximise the benefits of geothermal technologies.
Empowering local engagement: how can we step in the shoes of our neighbours?
In September, during the PUSH-IT General Assembly in Darmstadt, project members participated in a workshop on local stakeholder engagement and communication. The workshop encouraged participants to step into the shoes of a local citizen. The goal was to help project members refine their approach to communicating with the stakeholders impacted by their work.
Research borehole for ATES successfully completed in Berlin Adlershof
Our team from the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, led by Stefan Kranz and Katrin Kieling, drilled a 410 m deep research well to investigate whether the Hettang sandstones at the Berlin Adlershof site are suitable for an ATES system that should be implemented in the existing district heating network.
Bochum demo site begins drilling and testing operations
After several months of technical and legal preparations, F-IEG started fieldwork in September 2024 to test and further develop MTES technology beneath the Ruhr University’s (RUB) technical center.
Meet the scientist – Hung Pham (TU Darmstadt)
In this edition of Meet the Scientist we interview Hung Pham, site leader at TU Darmstadt. Hung’s expertise is in modelling of underground reservoirs and he handles project management. Read the full interview here.
The first results are in from pilot and monitoring borehole drilling in Delft!
At the demonstration location on the TU Delft Campus, a pilot and monitoring borehole was successfully drilled by Haitjema . A depth of 220 meters was reached to check the suitability of the subsurface for high temperature heat storage.
PUSH-IT members gathers in Darmstadt to discuss the project’s progress
Last week, the PUSH-IT project team met for two days at TU Darmstadt, Germany, to review what’s been accomplished so far and plan the next steps for the project. With the project now almost halfway through its four-year timeline, it was the perfect moment to reflect on progress and explore ways to keep pushing the project forward.